Burns Night



Robert Burns was born in Alloway, Ayrshire on the 25th January 1759. Every year in and around the 25th January the world celebrates the life and work of the most famous of all Scottish poets, Robert Burns ‘The Bard’ (1759-1796) by having Burns Suppers. Every Burns Supper has its own special form and flavour, but they all share the common purpose of honouring Scotland’s Bard. They range from extremely formal occasions to informal rave ups of drunkards and louts, they all follow the same basic principles, the eating of a Scottish meal (Haggis, Mince, Tatties and Neeps), the drinking of Scotch whisky, and the recitation of Burn’s Songs and Poetry.

A bagpiper is an essential ingredient to any Burns supper. The piper is generally used for greeting guests, piping in the haggis and a short musical recital after dinner.


This is the most important part of any burns supper. The haggis is Scotland’s national dish, Burns immortalised the haggis with his poem ‘To a Haggis’. This is believed to have been written in Edinburgh when Burns was in the capital promoting his Kilmarnock Edition book of poems. It is believed that Burns wrote the Address to the Haggis spontaneously when he was asked to say grace at a dinner. We are pleased to address the haggis for you in a lively theatrical presentation. The address as with all Burns poetry is written in an ancient Scots Dialect. We endeavour through our theatre to help your guests get a flavour for the poem no matter what language they speak.

It’s always great to get new enquiries through from people holding Burns Nights for the very first time. We are more than happy to offer advice to any clients holding their own supper.

If you are thinking about having a piper at your Burns night, don’t delay. Contact us as soon as possible. Pipers are in very high demand at this time of year particularly on the 25th January.

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